
Posts Tagged ‘child abuse’


Janice Severson of the Center for for Development of Human Services presented a workshop at the recent SAANYS Annual Conference. In 2007, New York State implemented two major legislative changes to the Social Services Law for mandated reporters of child abuse provide a voice for children throughout New York State. Learn about new reporting requirements, penalties for failure to report, and training available for your district. Severson’s presentation is presented in 5 video segments. Click the links below to watch Severson’s presentation.
Janice 1 from Admin Media on Vimeo.

Janice 2 from Admin Media on Vimeo.

Janice 3 from Admin Media on Vimeo.

Janice 4 from Admin Media on Vimeo.

Janice 5 from Admin Media on Vimeo.

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Mandated Reporters of child abuse provide a voice for children throughout New York State.  The focus of our presentation at the SAANYS Conference was to inform constituents of NYS legislative updates, to raise awareness of child abuse and maltreatment, and to increase understanding of reporting requirements.  We also discussed how to successfully complete reporting requirements to fulfill professional legal mandates and how legislative updates impact legal responsibility for district staff.

I’m here to answer any questions you might have about the presentation and to share more information about how we can assist and educate your staff.

Drop me a line or visit: http://www.nysmandatedreporter.org

Janice Severson
Center for Development of Human Services

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